Girl Next Door

Joanna Smith

Joanna SmithAge: 22
Height: 5’6”
Hometown: Atlanta, GA
Favorite Fighter: Forrest Griffin
Relationship: Boyfriend
On the Web:

How did you become an MMA fan?

I do promo work for Bud Light and Absolut Vodka at Tilted Kilt, which is a sports pub that shows a lot of the UFC pay-per-views. I’ve also worked at Wild Bills in Atlanta, and they have live fights. Lots of great fighters have come out of there.

What’s your favorite thing about mixed martial arts?

The sport is so intense—the blood is crazy. I also love the walkout music. You can tell a lot about the fighter from his choice in music.

Do you have any fight moves?

I used to do kickboxing and karate. I quit at green belt. I did it mostly to meet cute guys [laughing], but I can still land a roundhouse if I need to.

Nationwide FIGHT! Girl Search.

It’s back! FIGHT! Magazine is once again seeking undiscovered beautiful young ladies to feature in the magazine. Each issue in 2012, FIGHT! will feature a new nominee for our readers to fall in love with. At the conclusion of the contest, you, the fans, will vote on as to who will become the 2012 FIGHT! Girl. The winner will receive a photoshoot and 5 page feature spread in the pages of FIGHT! Are you a die-hard MMA fan? Are you at least 21 years of age? Do you have the personality and looks to compete with the UFC’s best ring girls? Then send us your photos and a brief bio to: Please visit the website for more details, and good luck!

*Must be 21 years of age by February 1, 2012. All applications should be sent to FightGirlSearch@FightMagazine. com and contain a brief bio and sample photographs.

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