Ring In The New Year

The New Year is here, and FIGHT!’s resolution is to bring you 12 beautiful girls in 2012. To get things kicked off, Tuf-N-Uff ring girl Kendra Schnell was kind enough to heat up our pages.
Where are you calling home these days?
Las Vegas.
How much sinning have you been doing in Sin City?
[Laughing] Not much. I was a very good girl this year.
<What did Santa bring you?
My dream gift—a completely remodeled walk-in closet for my condo.
Is your New Year’s resolution to put all your shoes in color-coded order?
[Laughing] No, I’m not making a resolution. I’m just setting some new goals.
strong>Finish this sentence: Dear Diary, my goal for 2012 is to…
Concentrate on my modeling career and finish school.
Let’s start with the important stuff. What kind of modeling have you been doing?
I just got back from 10 days in China— doing modeling and public relations work for Redline Wheels. They have a new STR Racing line that they are introducing in 2012, and I’m working on their brand management. Hopefully, I’ll finish my marketing degree from UNLV in a year and really be able to put that to use for them.
How was the food in China?
Let’s just say that I’m happy to be back in Las Vegas where I can get a steak and some pizza. I eat lots of pizza.
What kind of workout allows you to eat so much pizza?
I go to the gym four or five days a week. One of my good friends is an amateur fighter, so he sets up my workouts. He’s got me hitting the mitts and doing plenty of cardio.
How’s your left hook?
I have knockout power [laughing].
But are you well-rounded?
I just took a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu lesson. It was funny, because I was rolling with a bunch of guys who were giggling like schoolgirls. I think they were getting a kick out of it. I really respect the ground game a lot, and I understand it. I’ve been a ring girl for Tuff-N-Uff for almost two years, so I like to be able to know what’s going on during the fights.
Who’s your favorite fighter?
Probably Jon Jones. His latest victory was pretty impressive.
Is your boyfriend’s favorite fighter Jon Jones, too?
No boyfriend for me right now.
Good, that was a trick question. What does it take for a guy to impress you?
I like nice guys. Everyone thinks that nice guys finish last, but not in my book. You have to have a big heart to win me over. I like being treated like a lady. Guys don’t know how to do that any more.
Give guys three tips for treating a lady like a lady.
Don’t hide behind your texts. Pick up the phone and call a girl if you want to ask her out. Be respectful. And be yourself.
So your future boyfriend doesn’t need an unlimited texting plan?
[Laughing] No. He just better be sweet to me. Take me on a fun date, like go-carts and pizza.
Go-cart sales just went up 1000 percent in the Vegas area.
In a perfect world.
Thanks, Kendra, don’t be surprised if Prince Charming shows up at your condo in a two-seater.
[Laughing] Don’t forget the pizza!
Follow Kendra on Facebook.com/kendra.schnell or Twitter.com/KendraSchnellxo.
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