Suicide Silence: I Broke Down Hard as F*ck with Tom Atencio

Suicide Silence has been hyped as America’s next breakout metal band and after they recently won “Best New Talent” at the inaugural Revolver Magazine Golden Gods Awards, it’s hard to disagree.

With their sophomore album No Time To Bleed slated to drop on June 26 through Century Media Records, bassist Dan Kenny dropped by to talk about his passion for MMA, his recent conversation with Tom Atencio and his struggle to catch events while living and working on the road.

You can listen to tracks from the new album as well as classics such as “Bludgeoned to Death” at


FIGHT! Magazine: What are you up to?
Dan Kenny: Just picking up a sandwich. I’m ready for this cool interview. George (Suicide Silence’s publicist) called me and said, “You got an interview dude.” I was like “Cool. For what magazine?” He said, “Fight! Magazine dude.” And I was like, “Fuck yeah!”

FM: Sweet. So you read us?
DK: Oh yeah. Of course man.

FM: Dope. How long you been following MMA?
DK: Since probably like ‘95, ‘96. I’ve been following it ever since I was a little kid. I used to be really into WWF, and I went to the video store and they had the UFC 1-4 on VHS. I used to rent it, and then me and my little brothers were all stoked on it. Ever since then, it got really serious. It’s hard for me to miss an event now. I watch all of them, but I ever been to a UFC before. I’ve only been to Strikeforce, Gladiator Challenge and an IFL event.

FM: So what happens when you’re playing a gig on a Saturday Night when the UFC pay per views are taking place?
DK: Well that’s so shitty man. The last tour, we don’t get pay per view on our bus. So as soon as I get off stage, I’ll run to some bars and [be] like, “You guys get pay per view?” Cause I know a lot of bars don’t. I was so bummed when I missed Machida vs. Evans. I can’t believe I missed that. I was so bummed, but we do have Showtime on our bus. I definitely got to watch Diaz and Shamrock.

FM: At least that’s something, dude. Have you ever thought about training?
DK: Well I’m a smoker, but my brother is a boxing instructor at a place called BabyFace Boxing here in Pacifica, and I’d go in there and hit the bags with him. I’m not too big on hitting the bags. I like to roll. I think jiu-jitsu is probably a lot funner, but I’ve definitely learned some stuff from him.

FM: You got any jiu-jitsu heroes?
DK: Well one of my really god friends is a huge jiu-jitsu hero of mine. His name is Raul Castillo. He fights out of here. He’s a Strikeforce fighter now. I like to watching him and of course BJ [Penn]. Jake Shields. I just love jiu-jitsu.

FM: You know Jake has his own gym in the Bay Area. You should go train with him sometime.
DK: I know. It’s so hard though because I don’t have enough time. I’m always on the road. I’m also scared of hurting my fingers or wrist.

FM: Cause you’re out of commission then, right?
DK: Yeah. I’m fucked.

FM: So are the other members of Suicide Silence big into it or are they like whatever?
DK: Well most of them are whatever. I think we were on the road when Undisputed came out, and we got that at midnight and started playing it ‘til 6 in the morning on our bus, and I think that game really turned on my guitar player to fighting. He was like, “Now I know everybody! I can watch it.”

FM: How do you like the game?
DK: I think the game fucking rules! I can’t stop playing it.

FM: Neither can our editor. So what is it about MMA that you thrive on?

Dan: I really like how everyone develops a character and you start to know them of how their previous fights, and when you start thinking of matchmaking and once the match is finally made, it kinda gives you goose bumps because you’re like, “Fuck dude. That’s so bad ass!” I like how it’s one-on-one and how professional it is, and how hard they train. It’s the coolest sport ever.

FM: So Limp Bizkit is doing UFC 100 and David Mustaine performed at Affliction: Banned. How come Suicide Silence hasn’t performed at an MMA show yet?
DK: Well to be honest with you, at the [Revolver] Golden God’s Awards, I broke down hard as fuck with Tom Atencio and he was like, “You guys wore the tuxedos, right?” And we were like, “Yeah.” I’m like, “Tom, I wanna play an Affliction card, dude. We’re fucking brutal as fuck. At least have someone come out to our shit.” He was laughing, and then I got to hang out with Josh Barnett for about an hour and he was really fucking cool. They announced the Fedor thing, but me and you and the rest of the people knew that fight was gonna happen anyways. And I was like, “Just fucking tear him up dude!” I can’t wait to see Fedor lose and I would love nothing more than see Barnett do it.

FM: Think Barnett will do it?
DK: Absolutely not, but I wish he would and I wish he could. Well he might. I don’t know. I hope he does.

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