The Future Is Now

“I never think of the future — it comes soon enough.” These were the words of famed physicist Albert Einstein, a man who never knew the sport we all love. But maybe he was onto something after all. In the spirit of the…

New Blood

Mixed martial arts is the fastest growing sport in the world. It garners more attention and new fans daily. The emergence of so many new athletes sometimes makes it hard for fans to notice some of the fighters on the verge of making it to…

From The Mind of Mayhem

Jason! Jey-son! We have to train.” A thick Brazilian accent wakes me up, and I find myself in a groggy state on a mat at the HB Ultimate Training Center in Huntington Beach, California. It’s sometime in 2001. I look up at the…

In Defense of Titties

Now, I know what you’re saying: “Ryan, why do you have to defend titties? Who could hate titties? I love them!” I’m not talking about those wonderful delights that have caused men to spend crazy amounts of money on…

Catching Up With Forrest

In the world of professional athletics, popularity is almost always a doubleedged sword. When the athlete in question wins, it’s party time—booze and strippers for everyone. But when that same competitor loses, cue the boobirds…

51 Things Every MMA Fan Should Know

51 Things Every MMA Fan Should Know Fast facts to prevent you from ever being the noob again. 1. Contrary to what you might think, leg kicks fucking hurt. 2. Referee Big John McCarthy was a Gracie jiu-jitsu student who was originally…