Sweet Chin Music

Chin-ups are not only a fantastic way to increase the size and strength of your arm and back muscles, but this posture-improving exercise can also predict a lot about your athletic potential.

Chin-ups utilize more upper-body muscles than most exercises, and they are one of the best tools to assess your relative body strength, which illustrates how strong you are for your weight. Chin-ups develop strength and mass in your lat muscles, which helps draw your arms downward and backward. In addition, chin-ups increase the strength of your hands, forearms, biceps, rotator cuffs, pectorals, and abdominals.


Your chin-up ability depends on two things: the strength of your back and arms, and how much you weigh. Adding chin-ups to your training routine while reducing your body fat will dramatically improve your chin-up total. Use this 40-rep chin-up and pull-up workout with three advanced variations to get a cut above your competition.

1. Alternating Grip Chin-Up

Hang from the bar with your elbows extended and your palms facing opposite directions. Bring your chin over the bar. Lower to your original position for two seconds and repeat. Perform 2 sets of 8 reps.

2. Pike Pull-Up

Hang from the bar with your palms facing out, elbows straight, and your legs parallel to the floor. Pull your chin over the bar while maintaining your pike position. Lower to the original position for two seconds and repeat. Perform 2 sets of 6 reps.

3. Arch Back Neutral Grip Chin-Up

Place a rowing handle over the bar and hang from the grips. Pull your chest to your hands so that your head and upper body are parallel to the bar. Lower to the original position for two seconds and repeat. Perform 2 sets of 6 reps.

Douglas Lima will be back in action against Bellator Welterweight Champion Ben Askren on April 14 at Bellator 64. Lima earned his shot at the title by steamrolling Steve Carl, Chris Lozano, and Ben Saunders last year.

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