Volcanic Eruptions Not Enough To Stop "Denzil" Thomas?

(Daniel “Denzil” Thomas. Image copyright Rick Wright)

Dogs of War fighter Daniel Thomas (17-6) was all set in his preparations for the biggest fight of his career this weekend at Fighter Galla in Denmark. He is set to face the heavy-handed Kenneth Rosfort (13-2), whose only losses come to WEC standout Anthony Njokuani and UFC lightweight Dennis Siver. It is a battle between two of the most highly favoured European warriors outside the big leagues, with over thirty-five fights between them and “Denzil” unbeaten in seven and Rosfort unbeaten in five. There is obviously a great deal to be said about the two combatants, but the narrative has taken a turn for the worse as natural disasters are doing their best to keep them from meeting.

A volcanic eruption in Iceland has caused untold problems with aviation, and Thomas’ team are working on alternative routes as the Welshman was due to fly out today. The BBC announced this of the situation:

All flights in and out of the UK have been suspended as ash from a volcanic eruption in Iceland moves south. Safety body Eurocontrol said up to 4,000 flights across northern Europe had so far been affected by the cloud. The Air Traffic Control Service (Nats) said no flights would be allowed in or out of UK airspace until 1800BST amid fears of engine damage. The airspace restriction was the most significant in living memory, a spokesman said. Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark were among the European countries hit. The restrictions were imposed after the Met Office warned the ash was sufficient to clog engines.

Ian Dean of Warrior Promotions – Thomas’ management – told FIGHT!:

“Myself and Otto Kundsen, the promoter of Fightergalla, have spent all morning trying to find a solution to this problem. Obviously with the European airspace being shut down it has proven to be difficult but we have been able to source an alternative flight tomorrow morning for Denzil, his team and his travelling fans to make the show. However with Copenhagen airport still closed we will have to wait and see if he will be able to travel tomorrow.”

He continued,

“I’d like to thank Otto for his professionalism and we hope this fantastic main event between two of Europe’s best unsigned lightweight fighters can go ahead and I hope this won’t affect Denzil’s performance on Saturday.”

Much loved around the UK, Thomas earned his repuation as a game scrapper, that would fight anywhere and on any notice. Since gaining new management, he has picked his fights and prepared properly and has since extended his record from a journeyman-like 10-6 to an impressive 17-6. Figures from the larger promotions will be keeping an eye on this encounter as the winner will no doubt be ready to take the next step on the ladder towards big international fights.

All Whilst some signs are ominous, all parties are working hard to make sure the fantastic main event goes ahead. Keep up to date with proceedings by following FIGHT! UK on Twitter, and Ian Dean of Warrior Promotions.

For the rest of the card, head to Fighter Galla.

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