My Thoughts

Here I am on the 37th day of a 40- day NFL Training Camp Tour (btw, go check out my Glaze Across America page on and MAKE SURE you watch my bingo video) and the fine folks at FIGHT! keep hounding me for my column.

Dude, I am exhausted. Have a heart, will ya?

Can you imagine, 37 straight with no days home, on a plane every 36 hours. I’m exhausted, to the point that I don’t know if I’m coming or going. They want to know what I know. But I don’t know what I don’t know right now, ya know?

Man, am I tired. So to fill the page, how about what I think, or at least think I think…

I think of all the middleweights we’re hearing to get a shot at Anderson Silva, the one I’d pay the most to see is Vitor Belfort.

I think I can’t wait for Urijah Faber’s hands to heal. He told me they’re healing very well. I can’t wait to see him bringin’ the heat again. I don’t think, I know I’d like to see Faber-Brown III.

I think middleweight Aaron Simpson is going to take the middle echelon of the weight class by storm as he continues to grow. He never looks at his work after a good shot. Instead, follows up with a ton of violence.

I think too many fighters forget this sport is still about violence and who can inflict it faster and harder.

I think that Brock Lesnar is going to surprise and impress more than a few of those he pissed off by his post UFC 100 tirade. Folks, I was there to see it first-hand at UFC 102 and he was a different man. He was the consummate fan-friendly fighter. Lesnar couldn’t have been more gracious, posing – with a smile I might add – for every fan that asked and even took time to ask fans personal questions about their lives. Lesnar clearly got the memo that his role is not of villain, but rather to educate people and sell the sport with the rest of the gang.

I think if Brock keeps it up people actually may start thinking he’s a nice guy. For those who don’t know him, try this story on for size. We’re sitting in Randy Couture’s locker room playing the painful game of hurry-up-andwait prior to his war with Minotauro. Who knocks on the door and walks in? Lesnar, the last guy to beat Randy. He sat with Randy for a good 10 minutes and just talked about anything but the fight to help him take his mind off the stress of the evening. Solid gesture from a guy who absolutely didn’t have to do that and it was clear he was sincere.

I think after Anderson Silva’s destruction of Forrest Griffin he now vaults to my Best of the Best List. I used to have Fedor atop, but I think I’m sure I’ve changed my mind.

I think the people who were bagging on former Heisman Trophy winner Matt Leinart for turning to me and MMA to change his NFL fortunes need to give the dude credit. I’m damn proud that our work with him clearly paid off by improving him on the field. Third pre-season game he entered down 38-10. Threw for 350 yards in a half. One half! Kid was aggressive, sure of himself in the pocket and wanted to inflict damage.

I think I still can’t believe how many people love to talk about Kimbo.

I think the UFC and the sport is on the verge of taking a very, very big step up in profile.

I think I need to come to grips with the fact that my boy Chuck Liddell actually tells me he goes to dance practice.

I think that even if he wins the damn thing, I will be as brutal as I can because that’s what friends do.

I think I’ve never been so disappointed in a fighter’s crew than I was in Fedor’s group. I understand the UFC’s position to not help build the opposition. They offered Fedor a boatload of cash and we’re all going to suffer from M1’s refusal to meet halfway. Fedor vs. Brett Rogers is like watching spring training baseball.

I think I’d like to see Rampage as B.A. Barracas. Either him or Michael Clarke Duncan.

I think guys in the National Hockey League are crazy for not taking up our training to improve their core, quads and groin.

I think having Phil Baroni back in the UFC can only be entertaining.

I think I can’t understand Tito vs. Coleman. Let’s have old guard vs. new guard instead of these two night watchmen of the sport.

I think Randy Couture will fight longer than Brett Favre will play. Wait, I’m not sure if I really think that because Favre could retire and unretire for the next five years.

I think I wish more fans got to see that KO Nate Marquardt delivered at UFC 102. “Are you not entertained!”

I think the one guy I always hoped would make a return to MMA is Rickson Gracie.

I think I’m not sure why Diego Sanchez hasn’t gotten his shot yet.

I think Rampage’s style isn’t good for Machida, nor is Shogun’s. I think only a badass GnP’er can give him trouble.

I think if they ever actually made that long-rumored Anderson Silva-Roy Jones Jr. fight, it would last however long and end exactly how the Spider decided. If he went after Jones, I’d give the boxer a good 20 seconds before Silva’s knee shatters his eye socket to end the fight.

I think I’d like to see Brandon Vera make a serious dent on the division.

I think I’m done with this column. Until next time fight fans.

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