A+ Competitor

Minnesota native Rachel Olson isn’t afraid of being in the spotlight. The 23-year-old aspiring pro bikini competitor and ring card girl spends her free time in the gym when she’s not keeping MMA fans entertained with her trips around the cage. FIGHT! shined its spotlight on her for the day, and we’re positive you’ll be pleased with the results.

The word on the bikini circuit is that you’re about to go pro?

[Laughing] Is that what they’re saying?

Yes, what’s the scoop?

Well, I did my first amateur competition this year, and I won. I’ve got another pro show coming up in a few weeks, and if I place in the top three, I’ll get my pro card.

How many hours are you spending in the gym?

About two or three hours every day. Working out is the fun part—it’s the diet that’s no fun. And it’s not like I’m dieting. I’m eating lots, but if I see another sweet potato or piece of salmon, I’m going to go crazy. Eating clean is so boring. I don’t even look forward to lunch or dinner. I can’t wait for the competition to be over. I’ve made a whole list of foods that I’m going to eat.

What’s on the list?

Chicagostyle pizza, cheesecake, cheesy pasta, cheese.

I’m sensing a pattern.

Cheese is Jesus [laughing].

Cheese cannot walk on water. It does, however, go straight to the thighs.

And the butt. That’s why I’m in the gym crushing out squats. I can do around 175 to 200 pounds.

That’s pretty good…for a girl. Just kidding. That’s awesome. So, do you like those bodybuilder types?

No, I like a fit guy—I want a guy to be able to protect me. Bodybuilders are too big. They can’t even move—all they can do is smash. A little monkey could dance around them and beat ’em up.

What else are you looking for in a guy?

I’m an Alpha girl. I need a man strong enough to handle me. No wimps. He’s also got to make me laugh, without being lame.

Have you run into some lame ones?

The last guy just walked past me when I was working as a ring card girl at a fi ght and said, ‘Hi, I’m a manager,’ and he gave me his WalMart business card, but it was this minicard. It was like half the size of a normal card. Was that supposed to impress me?

You could have gotten a discount on produce, tires, and laundry detergent.

I guess that’s a big perk [laughing]. But you’ve got to try a little harder than that.

How is the ring card girl business?

It’s great. I’ve done four or five shows for SEG [Sterling Entertainment Group], which holds shows up in Minnesota where I’m from. I love MMA. And ring girl work is great—it’s the best seat in the house.

Who’s your favorite fighter?

Georges St-Pierre.

Well, you’re basically in Canada, so that’s acceptable. Have you ever done any MMA training?

No, but I’ve picked up a few moves here and there. I’ve been watching MMA for years.

What’s your best move?

Let’s just say that I’m not afraid to take GSP on. I’m pretty tough [laughing].

What do you do up in Minnesota to keep yourself busy?

I work fulltime in personal home care, so I’ve been doing that for five years. I love to take care of people—to be able to help them. It’s a tough job, but it’s so rewarding. When I’m not at work or in the gym to train, I love being outdoors—hiking, camping, fishing, and I love to travel.

Do you have any trips planned this summer?

I’m definitely hitting the road after my bikini competition, but I don’t know where. I’m going to play it by ear. I’m spontaneous like that. Summer is short, so I want to take advantage of the weather and go some place fun.

If you win your competition, I’m going to send you a big wheel of cheese that you can enjoy on the open road.

Perfect. Consider it done. I’m going to dominate. That wheel of cheese is motivating me [laughing].

Thanks, Rachel. Good luck in the bikini competition.

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