More in Store

Don’t get caught up in the food hype—there are plenty of unsung nutrient heroes that have more in store.

Fighting Fit: More in StoreThere are many popular dietary choices that get all of the glory for being the top sources of key nutrients—oranges for germ-kicking vitamin C, potassium-dense bananas to relieve cramps, calcium-heavy milk for strong bones, and fiber-loaded oatmeal to keep your GI tract on track. While their hype is well deserved, quietly lurking in the shadows are foods with an arsenal of just as much—if not more—of these nutrients than their highly touted counterparts.


This antioxidant offers protection against immune system defi ciencies, promotes wound healing, and improves oral, eye, adrenal, and cardiovascular health. Vitamin C assists in the growth and repair of tissues throughout the body and in the formation of collagen, which is needed for tendons, ligaments, cartilage, skin, and blood vessels. Although it hasn’t been shown to kill a cold dead in its tracks, it may help in decreasing the severity and longevity of symptoms.

1 medium orange: 80mg

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1 cup sliced strawberries: 98mg
1 small papaya: 96mg
½ cup red bell pepper: 95mg
1 cup raw kale: 80mg


This mineral is necessary for proper heart function, nerve transmission, and skeletal and smooth muscle contraction, as well as assisting in body fluid balance and blood pressure regulation. Potassium is a main component of electrolyte supplements, and it’s something athletes reach for when leg and foot cramps strike.

1 medium banana: 422mg

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1 cup cooked spinach: 839mg
1 medium baked white potato: 751mg
1 medium Hass avocado: 689mg
1 medium baked sweet potato: 541mg


Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body, and it’s needed for the proper health and functioning of bones, teeth, muscles, nerves, and the heart. When searching out sources of calcium, dairy products typically come to mind first, but for those with milk allergies or lactose intolerance, things can get tricky. General recommendations call for women aged 19-50 and men 19-70 to get 1000mg of calcium daily, while women 51 and older and men 71 and older should get 1200mg.

1 cup low-fat milk: 300mg

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1 cup cooked collard greens: 357mg
4 tbsp. roasted sesame seeds: 352mg
8 oz. calcium fortifi ed almond milk: 450mg
1 cup plain yogurt: 200-400mg (depends on type)


Soluble fiber from oatmeal, beans, lentils, and nuts helps slow digestion, making you feel fuller. It may also have a positive effect on blood sugar regulation and cholesterol levels. Insoluble fiber is thought of as the gut-healthy fiber, helping to prevent constipation and move waste through the colon in a timely manner. Whole grains, wheat bran, brown rice, and many vegetables—including broccoli, green beans, and dark leafy greens—are good sources. The total amount of dietary fiber taken daily from combined soluble and insoluble forms should be approximately 25-38 grams for the average adult.

½ cup old fashioned oats/oatmeal: 4g

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1 cup cooked beans (kidney, black): 11 to 15g
1 medium sized Hass avocado: 9g
1 cup cooked broccoli: 6g

This THANKSGIVING, dig into this nutrient-dense salad, while ditching calorie-laden salad dressings.

5 cups raw spinach
1 cup sliced strawberries
1 diced papaya
1 diced Hass avocado
2 tbsp. sesame seeds

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