MMA's Festive

We’ve all got our favorite fighters. Some have awesome skills. Some have cool personalities. Some have great mustaches. And some you’d just like to have a Vodka Collins with. Need help figuring it out? No problem. Here are the top five fighters (and a beverage that complements them) that would make for an entertaining night of social drinking, story telling, and possible debauchery.



White Russian(vodka, Kahlúa,milk)


Don Frye has seen some things, man. Can’t you just envision yourself drinking a Caucasian with Frye while he waxes poetic about women, fighting, money, and women? Hey Don, you’ve got a little milk on your mustache. No problem, that’s why it’s there. Flavor-stache.



Screwdriver (vodka, orange juice)


There aren’t enough adjectives in the English language to describe the awesomeness of Rutten. I’m guessing that after a few screwdrivers (he loves OJ), “El Guapo”would be singing Dutch ballads and liver shotting bouncers—he’s very skilled at both.



Irish Car Bomb (whiskey, Irish Cream, Guinness)


An Irish car bomb is a lot like fighting Griffin seems harmless for a while, but sooner or later your head is going to start spinning. However, I’d rather go toe-to-toe against Griffin slamming some Irish Car Bombs than step into the Octagon against him. Either way, I’m looking to get knocked unconscious.



Boilermaker (beer, whiskey)


The only way to slowdown the cardio machine that is Guida would be to get a couple of toddies in him. It would be my pleasure to join “The Carpenter” on his party bus (yes, he travels around the country on a full-sized RV) and throw back a couple of boilermakers with him. Who knows, I may be able to convince him to shave his head.



Appletini (vodka, sour apple schnapps)


Love him or hate him, “The New York Badass” has been a popular fixture on the MMA scene for the last 10 years. While his 13-12 record doesn’t scream Hall of Fame, Baroni is nonetheless a formidable tough guy. That’s why I’d like to join him for an appletini in his Big Apple home state of New York. I dare anyone to call us pansies.

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