Urijah Faber, Martin Rooney & Mike Straka on Pro MMA Radio


Former WEC Featherweight Champion Urijah Faber will visit the show to talk about his disappointing loss to reigning, MMA trainer and author Martin Rooney will talk about his new book, Ultimate Warrior Workouts, and HD Net’s Mike Straka will stop by to talk as well.

Also, don’t forget to send your questions to Larry for his weekly Pep Talk Q&A on Fightmagazine.com – Pep’s favorite question of the week wins a FIGHT! Magazine t-shirt for one lucky listener. Send those questions to peptalk@prommaradio.com!

Pro MMA Radio is hosted by Larry Pepe and airs to a worldwide audience every Monday night at 6 p.m. PST / 9 p.m. EST. On-Demand replays of every episode are available 24/7 at Bodybuilding.com and on iTunes.

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