Editor's Letter December 2011

Ladd DunwoodyNick Diaz, Carlos Condit, Josh Koscheck, Martin Kampmann, Anthony Johnson, and the list goes on. There’s no question that vying for a position at the top of the UFC’s welterweight division is as safe as swimming in shark infested water. The talent in the 170lb division runs deep, with no less than half a dozen top-of-the-food-chain fighters, dicing it out for the media’s attention and a shot at Georges St. Pierre’s belt. Cruising along just under the surface, however, is a fighter that has been there all the while. He was passed over at the last minute for the inaugural season of TUF, but that didn’t matter, Jon Fitch has never been one to take the easy route anyway. Since entering the UFC in 2005, Fitch has gone 13-1-1. With his only loss coming at the end of a 5 round battle with the current champion. A disappointing draw against fan favorite BJ Penn at UFC 127, derailed what looked like a sure fire second chance at the champ. Passed over once again, presumably for not finishing BJ in the 3rd, Fitch went back to the grind — back into a holding pattern in a division where few fighters have the ability to survive for long without a loss. For Jon Fitch though, it’s business as usual. If he has to prove himself once again, so be it. Jump to page 54 and get to know a little more about the unwavering constitution that keeps Fitch moving forward and make sure to mark your calendars for Dec. 30th when he takes on Johnny Hendricks at UFC 141 and attempts to prove once and for all, that he is the true number one contender.

Ladd Dunwoody

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